Friday 3/24
Lazy day. Got up around 7:00 and did general cleanup, took out the trash and on the way back stopped to talk to some people looking for the WindWhistle Nature Walk. I had kinda looked yesterday but never found it. They showed back up in 10 minutes with the pamphlet for me. Nice.
Finished cleaning up and thought I would make a quick trip to the Nature Walk. Found it, started up with my pamphlet, got to #1 “Rabbit Brush. Just a 4×4 in the ground w/ #1. I know “Rabbit Brush” was fairly close to the post but the pamphlet description wasn’t definitive enough. And dang, my stomachs growling. False start. Back to the rig, have bowl of cereal, watch the hawks soar, sit down with my Peterson’s Flower Guide and really do my homework on this Nature Walk.
Interesting side note, ( or not ) every time I put my day pack on from the start of the trip, I always said to myself “man this is heavy, what the hell do I have in here?” Never took the time to actually look. Turns out I have all the books I brought with me and misc other crap that I had throw in. When I got it down to the essentials ( see pic ) it was nice.
Now I’m ready! Got my Guide, got my pamphlet, binoculars check, off I go. A couple hours of exploring the flora of Utah is time well spent. Do I know everything that I’m looking at now? Not hardly. But I do know Mormon Tea, Utah Juniper, Sage Brush and now I know Rabbit Brush!
Back for a late lunch of Harry’s Rice. Started on a foot rest project for where I sit/lounge/nest and just sat in the sun for awhile. Ho Hum. Took off about 3:00 thinking I would walk up the road a ways, find a nice gully and just cruise around a bit. I took some pictures to submit to Glock for their annual calendar.
Got back about 5:00, tried FaceTime the girls but no connect. Started dinner, fried potatoes with thin sliced top round. Got thru to home. I always look forward to talking to the girls!
Cleaned up ready to head out tomorrow south on 191. Need to hit a town to take care of somethings. Will most likely head out to Anticlines Overlook before I leave the area in the morning.
P.S. I am still cleaning up pine tar!
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