Saturday 9/21
A nice calm morning, low 40’s, clear. Not going very far today so no hurry. The trash container is about a 1/2 mile away and I decided to walk my small bag of trash to the container. Nice morning, two other units in the campground. Best bathroom, so far, flush valve toilets and nice sink but, no showers.
Gave Bill the once over, tighten up the schooner a bit and off we go to Green River and Flaming Gorge Rec Area. Cell coverage is spotty but finally get two bars on top of a hill and pulled over, uploaded some blog stuff and had a bowl of granola. Tried FaceTiming the Moore girls but no go.
Crossed the Oregon Trail wagon trail!! Had to backtrack because other than a small sign, no notice. The ruts are deep and those guys & girls were tough! No Gortex, no water purification, no diesel trucks. Tough! I stood in the tracks for ten minutes trying to feel the energy from those pioneers.
On some roads less traveled today to Green River. Fueled up(13.1) got postcard stamps and mailed some cards off. The majority of the CG in Flaming Gorge close after Labor Day so it’s wild camping tonight. Followed a nice gravel road for 6-7 miles than another #1 road to a spot next to the reservoir. Nice walks, nice dinner, nice sunset.
Tomorrow find the open CG with a shower!
Good night
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