Wednesday, 9/22

Wednesday 9/22

Golf at 2pm in Billings so no big hurry to get going this morning. Took the frontage roads as much as possible but final got on the interstate for the last 10 miles. Had plenty of time to hit a bucket, chip and putt. All the holes are 100yd to maybe 200yds. Never used anything more than 6I and mostly pitch-8I. Had fun with Bob and Andy. Walked 18 holes and Bob hit it his usual down the middle. Andy can hit the ball so i doubt he used much more than pitch on most holes.

Got to Ridgway’s place about 5pm. No Jim, but i knew i could make myself at home. Nice spot, big garages! This is the home of the Kawasaki and it looks to be a good one. Jim’s brother John was visiting and the Ridgway boys are quite the pair. We had a good time! They were flying out the next morning so we kept it pretty early. Jim has some nice toys and better yet, the garage space to keep them.

Tomorrow, leave the Yellowstone for awhile and head north. Pick up the Mussellshell and start angling NE towards Miles City and Range Riders Museum. The FAS most have 3-8 campsites, some $5, some free. So far, $5 in site fees. The Yellowstone flows mostly in the direction i want to go so it’s been convience.

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