Saturday 10/2
Nice quiet night at the reservoir for a Friday night. Early start 7am. Heading for Chadron, Nebraska and the Fur Trade Museum. Then a night at a site at Chadron State Park with electricity. Charge up Blaze and the laptop and my toobrush and my razor and my camera spare battery. We’ll see.
The Fur Trade Museum is very similar to Range Riders but more specific for time and adventure. More mountain man/ indian than cowboy. Very interesting. We think we would like to live in a less hectic time but the trade-offs could be significent. Took some pictures, read alot of placards and decided i’m not tough enough to live the life style.
Chadron State Park. $8 state fee plus $25 for electric site. All paved, multiple bathrooms, a shower house and a scenic drive! Get Blaze out, four bars! Do a little cruising around and find the scenic drive. Blaze has a workout of 1-5. Lowest gear, highest assist up a steep hill. Burn down to two bars going up. Hmmm, from the top of the hill i can see the road winds up and down but not sure of distance or anymore hills like this one. So turn around, go back and put Blaze on the charger. That’s if i can find the charger. One of those i put it in it’s place but where was that? Ah, 45 minutes later. Takes Blaze 3 hours to green light and we go back and do the drive. Nice bike ride!
Took another shower, just ’cause i could! Okay tomorrow Colorado. The closer i get to the Front i more i dread it. We’ll see.