Thursday 9/20

Thursday 9/20

Rained off and on last night. Got going by 8:30. It was sprinkling a bit so decided to move on instead of hiking this morning. Cascade NP is only 10-15 miles west so off i go. Bill is acting up a bit, i think the parking brake is squeaking a bit.

Got to Cascade NP and checked out the Visitor’s Center. Seattle Light, the local Northwest Energy is really the reason everything is here. The damming of the rivers and the cutting down of HUGH cedars is what drove the economy. Different mind set. Exploitation of natural resources was the name of the game. Oh, and the genocide of native Americans. Sorry been reading to many westerns.

Took a nice stroll to the Seattle Light Company store and walked back on the “Trail of the Cedars”. There was one other hike i wanted to do but the sprinkles turned to rain. But i had 3 bars of coverage so FaceTimed the Moores and was able to download a couple of books from the library. Jack London’s “Sea Wolf”, Hondo by LaAmour and a book about Yellowstone Kelly. Started Sea Wolf first. A little too…..philosophical for my taste. Too much thinking on Hump’s part.

Rained all night, like sleeping in a popcorn popper. Have decided to get to Arlington, Wash first thing to have Bill checked out. Maybe a u-joint, maybe….who knows. Good night.

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