Tuesday 3/21
I’m starting to settle in. My bike is ready, I put the bladder in my daypack(with water baby), sunglasses, camera, safety, binoculars,snacks and a hydro flask of cold water!
I think the pictures say it better than I ever could. Rode up to a place called the Narrows then thru them. The road started to drop and I had had enough. 5-6 miles….far. Bicycles are more work than hiking. I have to pay more attention riding these sandy roads. It allows me to cover a bit more territory to choose what to explore.
I rode back about 1/2 way where the road crosses the stream just before the start of the Narrows and parked the bike. Hiked up thur the Narrows and shot some video and photos. Really cool! It was probably a mile or so thru the canyon. When I got back to my bike there was a TRAFFIC jam. Numerous stream crossing (10-15), anywhere from a inch to six deep, most fairly firm. A nice semi-downhill ride home.
Nice roast beef sandwich for lunch, a ice cold beer, a little snooze in the sun and I was ready to hike down Onion Creek. I changed to my tennies and had the Dad talk about keeping them dry. I should of taken a ibuprofen and alleve before I left ’cause I was stiff! But I warmed up soon enough. Keeping my shoes dry was turning into a bigger problem than expected. Oh well.
I was hopeful, just around the next point, there would be one of those deep pools of cold water that no one had ever found. Went a couple of miles, didn’t find it, so returned home.
Cooked a hamburger over a wood fire. Cleaned my bike, sweep the floor, shook out the rugs, organized the cab of the truck and generally got ready to go tomorrow. Oh, when I was hiking this afternoon I had to go under UT128. There was a road sign, to far for me to make out, I was thinking I needed to go that way tommo….wait god damn it, I got the binoculars!
So off to Fisher Towers in the morning than start drifting down towards Canyonlands NP.
Miles: 10-12
HWY: none baby!
Temp: 76
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