Saturday 9/25
Saturday 9/25 Gosh, i’ve been sleeping good. Wake up once to pee and have been getting up about 8am. Today, get the bike out and ride to town, then come back and get a couple of hikes in. There is a Folf course here. Seen a couple of guys playing. The bike is going to…
Friday 9/24
Friday 9/24 Off to the Range Rider Museum in Mile’s city this morning, then Makoshika State Park. This museum is a must see. If you like western memorbilia, this is the place. Guns, furniture, cowboy hats and boots. Wagons and tools. It took me 3 hours to quickly see everything. A 8×10 picture of the…
Thursday 9/23
Thursday 9/23 Slow start today. Heading north up US87 towards Roundup then hook back on to US12 and follow the Mussellshell towards Miles City. Nice slow drive and very little traffic. Been stopping at the Historical road sites and taking a picture of the sign. Montana is a real interesting place. Stopped in Ingomar, Mt,…
Wednesday, 9/22
Wednesday 9/22 Golf at 2pm in Billings so no big hurry to get going this morning. Took the frontage roads as much as possible but final got on the interstate for the last 10 miles. Had plenty of time to hit a bucket, chip and putt. All the holes are 100yd to maybe 200yds. Never…
Tuesday 9/21
Tuesday 9/21Lazy day on the Stillwater River. No one in the campground and no one drove thru all day long. Still organizing and rearranging. But after close to 45000 miles on the schooner everything has it’s place and usually ends up there. Usually. Did a little work on the transmission lines from the collecter to…
Monday 9/20
Monday 9/20Started the day by whistling at some prairie dogs. Greycliff Prairie Dog Town in Greycliff, Mt. If you’ve ever been to Billings, you have been thru the town and never even whistled.Rolling towards Stillwater Riiver south of Columbus today, not very far. Been using the frontage roads and roads that go in the general…
Sunday, 9/19
N of Helmville MT.Away we go. Almost two years since i tripped. The plan is to fish/hike/golf and see Montana while the weather stays nice as i head towards western North Dakota and Theodore Roosevelt NP. Then south into the Black Hills, maybe Crystal Cave, head east a bit tSunday 9/19o Badlands NP, try to…
Papa, Where are you?
Nope this ain’t right Calling Michael, anybody home? Calling Michael, I’m here all alone. Did he leave the building Or can he come to the phone Calling Michael – I’ m here all alone Why don’t you go get him – I’m his biggest fan You gotta tell him – he’s still the man Long…