Tuesday 10/15
Thirty days on the road. Seen some interesting stuff. Some beautiful country. Colorado high country stands out. Not sure of total mileage but I can come close. I know this, I would rather fill twice at $35 than once at $70. I like the way Bill just glides down any road it’s on. I like…
Monday 10/14
Got rollin by 10am.Canyonlands NP visitor center first, then a nice cruise. The views are big and wide. Every canyon looks interesting. This is the “Needles” section. Lots of jagged pinnacles surrounding us. Great views, great walks and maybe a good picture or two. Two trekking poles is becoming the norm. I got some good…
Sunday 10/13
EOkay, moving again. Does not take long to go from awake to drivin. Change clothes, heat some water for tea and to wash my face. Fill the water bottles up, transfer everything to Bill and away we go. Then again, sometimes it takes me hours. The first 40 miles this morning is county road, paved…
Saturday 10/12
Goodness gracious, I roll out of bed at 8:30am. Don’t feel any pain, hmmm, maybe my right knee. A bit. I guess I’m getting a bit fitter. That was a long walk yesterday. Another bike flat tire on the same wheel, the rear. Dammit, WITW. I want the bike ready to go. It still isn’t…
Friday 10/11
Happy Birthday Sully! Up by 8am. My thermometer said 31F. No sense getting going to early it’s cold. I think I’ll hike the Holly Ruin Trail today. Four miles one way. I may go the whole way, I may not. Class A hike. Day pack, chair, binos, cell phone, both poles. No camera because…
Thursday 10/10
Wheels rollin’ 7:15am. It’s a couple of hours to Farmington. Little over a hundred miles. Forty of that on 2-lane, frost heaved, poorly paved, road less traveled. Nice. Sunrise had some potential to begin with, but turned into glare before to long. Shiprock is a gigantic rock formation that you can see for miles and…
Wednesday 10/9
Another beautiful morning. I can see the sunrise out the schooner front window. Nothing worth staying awake for so I turn over and get another hour sleep. No heater this morning, predicting 80s today. Wash a few dishes, sweep the floor, wipe the mats down. All systems are operational and in order. I have been…
Tuesday 10/8
Up and dressed by 8am this morning. A cup of tea, a game of where is the spot for the solar that I don’t need to move it and a decision to do the Hovenweep loop counter-clockwise. Not a bad start to my morning. I have also decided to walk with both trekking poles…..no…
Monday 10/7
Hovenweep has to be in my top 5 of places to camp. A short hike down the Holly Trail takes me down the canyon wall, scrambling over rocks and side sliding my way thru a split rock. The first 500 yards are as nice a start to a hike as you could ask for.…
Sunday 10/6
My goal was 7am. Bill pulled out at 7:30. Short drive to the showers. Showers are open 24 hr/day. There wasn’t any COLD water this morning. Decided not to go get tools and troubleshoot it. The water was HOT but I managed to get everything clean. Fresh set of clothes and away we go. …