Sunday 4/16
Sunday 4/16 Wild camped at the old mining site and followed the gravel road to Salome then AZ60, then AZ72 then got on 95 into Lake Havasu City and John Ricker. Nice pleasant slower travel. Golf course in Parker had a practice area stopped for a hour to putt and small bucket. Only one there.…
Sunday 4/16 Hey it’s Allie’s birthday!
Happy birthday Allie!
Saturday 4/15
Saturday 4/15 Early start. Beautiful drive off the canyon down into Tucson. No traffic but I have to cross town on surface streets. There is a zillion club bicycles with their colorful garb. Old, young multiple packs of 10-15. I had noticed coming down from the canyon a slug of big calved head down studs…
Friday 4/14
Friday 4/14 Bill seems fine but only time will tell. Headed south on AZ191 into the stronghold of Apache country. It’s not desolate, at least not in April, you’ve seen the cacti flowers, but it’s a hard country. I spent a lot of time in this type of desert growing up. Every weekend. It’s the…
Thursday 4/13
[photogrid ids=”794″ captions=”yes” columns=”two” fullwidth=”yes” ]Thursday 4/13 Decided to wait till 10:00 to check on Bill’s progress. I’m a short bike ride from the dealer. My tush is sore from from ride yesterday. Had a tiny bit of cramping yesterday evening. I know I didn’t do the best job hydrating. I made it to 8:30…
Wednesday 4/12
Wednesday 4/12 Broke down! Made it to the pavement and Bill stopped! Tow truck and everything. Hauled to Johnson Bros GMC Safford. Of course they are short handed to boot. Lots of conjecture on the problem. No fuel pressure. I hoped it would be simply but they never are. Took the bicycle and rode and…
Tuesday 4/11
Tuesday 4/11 My last round at Mt Graham. Haven’t been keeping score. Been using my Garmin and it’s a PITA to use the score part. I blistered the two fingers, I normally tape, in the first round. I’ve taped them since but they are still tender. I’m okay with my golf and will hunt a…
Monday 4/10
Monday 4/10 Bill was a good decision. There is something about upshifting on a steep climb that pleases me. XM radio,jury still out, I have listened to it half a dozen times. Having two rear doors to access equipment is a LOT easier on the back. Being able to accelerate with authority is a nice…
Sunday 4/9
Sunday 4/9 See Saturday 4/8
Saturday 4/8
Saturday 4/8 Settled into the Riverview campground. $2.50 per night. Picnic tables and fire ring. It’s about an hour drive to the course. Half a hour to hit the outskirts and half an hour to the course. It’s a beautiful drive. I’ve been chipping for awhile, putting for awhile, small bucket then walk 9. Most…