Tuesday 3/28
Tuesday 3/28 Rained hard last night. I’m glad I had batten down the hatches last night before coming in. It was cold and rainy this morning and I rolled out of bed (literally ) close to 9:00am. The facilities (sink – FV toilet-cold water) are nice and clean so I hustle down there to take…
Monday 3/27
Monday 3/27 A bit overcast today. Decided to make the trip to Cortez Colorado to resupply. The road doesn’t even have a number. Instructions from lady at visitor center was “a left, a left and a left.” Around 40 miles of 30 mph road. Nice! Goes over a low pass and up the valley to…
Sunday 3/26
Sunday 3/26 Up and started out by 8:00am. I’m driving into the morning sun and that adds a bit more of a adventure. The track is more rough than anything with patches of deep sand. (That’s a relative term, deep enough it would of been a PITA on the DR650) All in all only one…
Saturday 3/25
Saturday 3/25 On the road by 7:05 and headed to Anticline Overlook and look at a campground on the way. #6 gravel road all the way. Turned in to Hatch Point Campground. Maybe 8 sites, 2 occuppied. Certainly worthy. Cruise thru and continue to the Overlook. This view is almost the opposite direction from Needle…
Friday 3/24
Friday 3/24 Lazy day. Got up around 7:00 and did general cleanup, took out the trash and on the way back stopped to talk to some people looking for the WindWhistle Nature Walk. I had kinda looked yesterday but never found it. They showed back up in 10 minutes with the pamphlet for me. Nice.…
Thursday 3/23
Thursday 3/23 This is a really nice spot. The campground sits at the base of a chain of slick rock. Decent facilities and up until this evening , just me. The weather is unsettled and that makes for a nice day to hike. Put on the boots, grabbed the pack and the 10 and away…
Wednesday 3/22
Wednesday 3/22 Up by 6:30, on the road with a cup of coffee by 7:00. You know me, not much grosses me out about poop. I didn’t take a picture of the toilet facilities at Onion Creek but it is a concrete pad with a normal outhouse seat. No roof, a L shape wooden enclosure…
Tuesday 3/21
Tuesday 3/21 I’m starting to settle in. My bike is ready, I put the bladder in my daypack(with water baby), sunglasses, camera, safety, binoculars,snacks and a hydro flask of cold water! I think the pictures say it better than I ever could. Rode up to a place called the Narrows then thru them. The road…
Monday 3/20
Monday 3/20 Woke early, had my coffee and hit the road. Congratulating myself on the early start but it seems busy. Found a nice market with a bike shop that had showers right next to it. WTF this town is early birdsville. The bike shop, other than the shower, doesn’t have what I want so…
Sunday 3/19
Sunday 3/19 Zzzzzzz, lazy day. Took a bike ride this morning back out to where all the maps of the trails are posted. This area is mainly off-road vehicles, jeeps, pickups and a few mountain bikers. There was a fork when I came in so I rode my bike out it. Real sandy, hard to…