Wednesday 11/30
Wednesday thru Saturday. 11/30-12/4 Did i say they controlled the park? There is a locked gate to get out….or not get out. That thought had slipped my mind during my pre-planning meeting. Dammit! I remember from the initial check in that they told me the combination 64…27 maybe? Nope. Dammit. Being tidy i had trashed…
Tuesday 11/29
Tuesday, 11/29 You pronounce Hueco like Huevos Ranchero. It’s a tough one. Lots of pictographs, lots of contemporary graffiti, within the last 60 years or so. As tight as they control everything they must have had a vandal problem in the past. This is our past. We don’t have a lot of castles so we…
Monday 11/28
Monday, 11/28 Crazy night. Someone buzzed the campgrounds couple of times, no muffler, about 3AM. Then headed to the border which is about three miles away. The first loop was out of the blue but i could hear them coming on the second loop. Crazy. Fueled up first thing, $4.88 per gallon.I was starting to…
Sunday 11/27
Sunday, 11/27 Left at daybreak. Today’s goal is 260 miles away, that’s a big day for me. Got all my chores done the night before which left tea to brew and some water bottles to fill. Moved whatever needed to go to Bill. Drove off the leveling blocks, put them away, double check around campsite…
Saturday 11/26
Saturday 11/26 Got going by 9:30 this morning. Need to fill propane, dump my waste, top off my water, fill Bill up, go to the market and hit some balls. Leaving early tomorrow morning and it’s 250 miles to Pancho Villa State Park in New Mexico. I’ve been here long enough and explored so it…
Friday 11/25
Friday, 11/25 Mum’s birthday today. Windy last night. I usually put everything away every night. Left my chair and my 6×8 carpet out. Dropped some rocks on it before going to bed but got up to double check and put a few more on. Windy and cold this morning,41F. Another slow morning. There is a…
Thanksgiving Didn’t get out of my pajamas till 11:30. Chilly, 43F but the sun is shining. Tucson days, cold in the morning and warming up to low 60 by 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Golf courses aren’t busy till noonish and i can understand why. Got TTRLT updated, as you know, in the morning…
11/15-11-23 Oh dear where does the time go? Today is Thanksgiving and I’ve been in Tucson over a week. Found a very nice area to camp, Madera Canyon. Twelve miles east of Green Vally which is 20 miles south of Tucson. Perfect spot, good water, plenty of sun and a bathroom that is within a…
Sunday/Monday 11/13-14
Sunday/Monday 11/13-14 Decided to stay another day at the petroglyphs. Watched the Bill’s game on my ipad till the end of the fourth quarter and the channel changed to the Arizona Cardinals game! Never saw the end of the Bill’s game. Did some walking, did some stretching, did some reading ( a good dose of…
Friday/Saturday 11/11-12
Friday-Saturday 11/11&12 Fishing this morning right at day break. Talking to Jessie, the groundskeeper at Colorado River Park, reassured me that I’m rigged right and have the right rubber worms, crayfish and flashy lures. Still a bit windy but I’m enthused….for about 45 minutes. Loaded the rods in Bill still rigged up and headed east.…