Wednesday 1/24
Wednesday 1/24 Up early. Left Cottonwood 6:45am. Golf is @ 10:00. It’s about 45 minutes to the course but I want to chip and putt plus hit a bucket. It is a beautiful morning. Bill and I idle our way towards the Interstate. The sun is shining and I really haven’t had a the opportunity…
Tuesday 1/23
Tuesday 1/23 I need to refill a couple of prescriptions today. There is a Savon Drug in Palm Springs. They are affiliate of Osco Drug. I hope this goes smoothly….maybe, will know tomorrow sure. I was only 4.3 miles from Tahquitz Golf, so I mosied over to hit a bucket of balls. Nope. Range closed…
Monday 1/22
Monday 1/22 A general cleanup/fixup day. Straighten up the schooner and gave Bill a good cleaning. I think I’ll head out to Joshua Tree NP tomorrow and back track to Palm Springs on Wednesday to golf. Maybe back here Wednesday for a shower, if no shower at the course, than head down past the Salten…
Saturday 1/20
Saturday 1/20 Change of plans. Light rain this morning, low 40s. Decided to stick to the interstate past Las Vegas to Baker, then take “Kelbaker” Road thru the Mojave Preserve.This will end up in 29 Palms which is NW of Allan&Bev’s. I haven’t pooped since Tuesday…..hopin’ I could of got it taken care of at…
Sunday 1/21
Sunday 1/21 It was cold last night. I think it was to get to freezing. Cold weather is not my friend. When I left Death Valley in November, to go home, I got caught in some cold weather and froze the camper up. I thought I caught it quick enough and got it unfrozen. Nope,…
Friday 1/19
Friday 1/19 Big storm coming to Utah. But it was 45 degrees when I left Kevin&Cathy’s. Big wreck with fire on the interstate right where I would normally get on, so headed south on State Street. The street numbering system (i.e.7350s) relates to the distance from the temple in Salt Lake. Blocks I think but…
Thursday 1/18
Thursday 1/18 The batteries in the indoor/outdoor thermometer went south but the truck said 19F. No dilly/dally made coffee, started Bill and shivered till he warmed up. It’s the one downside to a full cab, it takes forever to warm up. Bill’s heated seats don’t work….should of got that done. Oh well, warm weather here…
Wednesday 1/17
[photogrid ids=”1329″ captions=”yes” columns=”two” fullwidth=”yes” ]Wednesday, 1/17 Didn’t get started till afternoon. Roads are pretty much bare and dry but it is cold. As I dropped over Lost Trail low teens and never got about 19F. Made it past Salmon and stopped for the night at Kilpatrick Fishing Access. I have stayed at this spot…
Monday/Tuesday 12/4&5
Monday 12/4 Tuesday 12/5 I stayed last night at Salt Lick, a BLM site. No official camping site but a pit toilet and nothing saying no camping. Another truck camper ( triple-slide ) from Montana settled in while I was hiking to the mine site. A couple from New Zealand, Bert&Ann. Bought it 5-6 weeks…
Sunday 12/3
Sunday 12/3 Spent yesterday with John&Jana hanging out and bullshiting. John & I have decided the valve on the toilet is leaking at the housing. A mirror and a flashlight made things a lot clearer. New valve $27…. new HIGHER toilet $107….about the same amount of work to do. HIGHER toilet is what I’m thinkin’…