Tuesday 10/26
Tuesday 10/26I’m ready to go! A couple of days too long. The plan is south on NM90 then north on US70. NM90 takes you off the mesa into a valley then US70 takes you up the valley and back up on the mesa. Only way to get were i want to go. Nice drive! A…
Sunday/Monday 10/24-10/25
Sunday/Monday 10/24 & 10/25Ho hum, got my laundry done,got the Schooner full of water and empty of waste. Got the Schooner back on Bill. Straighten up the interior of Bill and checked all fluids. Changed bedding and washed my back-up set. Rode Blaze into town and looked around somemore. Walked to the market and reloaded…
Saturday 10/23
Saturday 10/23Maci Moore birthday today! Talked to her early and sounds like she has a full day of activities planned.Six years old and started kindergarden. She truly is a girl. I’m lucky to live with her and her sister.Today is a reorganize cleanup day with some golf this afternoon. Refer is behaving okay. After a…
Friday 10/22
Friday 10/22Got going about 9am. Bill without the schooner on, handles and brakes a lot better. This road to Gila Cliff Dwelling is twisty and up and down. Sign says Gila Cliff Dwellings 44 miles expect at least two hours to get there. Hmmm, even for me two hours to go 44 miles is slow.…
Thursday 10/21
Thursday 10/21 If you are driving behind this, relax, slow down, it’s only me. Paul from Gypsy Soul RV came by this morning. The refer was working on 120v so that ruled out thermostat. Pulled burner out and cleaned orifice. A bit of something in the orifice. Checked gas pressure at 9″ s/b 11″ but…
Wednesday 10/20
Wednesday 10/20It was a real luxury to have good internet access. Cosmic CG came thru. My drift has been to go to Safford Az, it’s a area i’m familiar with ’cause this is where Bill broke down and had to be towed. There is a RV shop, “Trek RV” and i planned on using them…
Tuesday 10/19
Tuesday 10/19I will be up to date today on the blog! I try to stay up to date with my daily ramblings and write those on my laptop. Uploading my daily written stuff takes two bars. Uploading pictures takes min three bars with strong connect but prefers four bars. Lots of one bar out here…
Monday 10/18
Monday 10/18Decided to stay here this morning and slept in. Shorts today. Walked up to Visitor center. El Morro (The Point) is a well used spot in the southwest. Lots of signatures on the cliff going back to early 1600s. The significent of the spot is a hugh, as they say in Texas, Tank. Water…
Sunday 10/17
Sunday 10/17A beautiful morning. I located the selfie stick with the remote! Misplaced it weeks ago.(inside bike pack) My Canon G9X camera has something on the lens or inside. I have a full lens cleaning kit with me but whatever is on/in it will not come clean. So i haven’t been using the camera and…
Saturday 10/16
Saturday 10/16My plan is to camp at Sand Canyon CG then up Moki Dugway tomorrow, a steep dirt road that switchbacks up to the top of a large plateau This will get me to Natural Bridges. I have come down Moki, which puts you on the drop-off side of this narrow dirt road with never…